Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Christmas

Wow, 2 formal events with the span of 3 days in small little Sitiawan. Things are feeling a little too high class around here! ;)


I have not had the pleasure of spending Christmas in Malaysia for the past five years, having been in Australia and USA during those times. Christmas overseas was fun, and memorable, and spent in the company of friends and fancy restaurants.

This year though, Im finally home.

Unfortunately though, i had no plans for Christmas Eve at first. My parents were going out for a buffet dinner *which was deemed boring and not fun for me to attend*, while my kakak also had her own Philiphine Christmas Eve gathering going on as well.

But thanks to Facebook, i managed to have plans, courtesy of Rachel and her mum's invitation to a very fancy Music and Dance Night dinner at Beiking Hall.

This being Sitiawan, "formal" can mean anything from T-shirts and jeans to coats and formal shoes. I saw slippers, singlets, torn jeans and sweat pants in this event, but thankfully, the number of beautiful formal outfits still outnumbered every other kind of clothing there.

I see my bands colors everywhere now @@

Entrance into the hall required a chop on the arm, and the decorations inside were pretty festive, although i wished there were more balloons inside. Sorry if the above pic makes me look like im punching Rachel's mum. Our Minister of Transportation was at this event as well, so as the heads of Sitiawan Haemodialisis Center and numerous other big shots as well.

A funny opening ceremony as well. The MC shouted "On the count of 3, i want you all to press the button on the platform, and we shall see fireworks! Okay? ONE! TWO! THREE!!! PRESS THE BUTTON!!!"

*Bunch of old dudes pressed the button down. Nothing happens. Silence. Transportation Datuk continues to stare at the platform, then presses the button a few more times. A burning smell of melted plastic wafts into the room. *

"Anddddddd.... ladies and gentleman that was the fantastic opening ceremony by our VVIPS!! Thank you very much and u may step off the stage!!!" *and off the stage the VVIP shuffle off*

The musical performances were surprisingly entertaining and good. Truly enjoyed myself. The food was decent, and Suyin was a guest artiste there as well.

I appreciated how this event was so generous in its lucky draws as well. If im not wrong, they gave out around 50 different hampers, 2 RM400 badminton rackets, 2 Mountain Bikes, and 1 RM1000++ water filter away. Liau liau got the badminton racket i wanted so much!!! Arghh! I only manage to get a small hamper on Rachel's family's behalf :(

And oh, the MC missed the Christmas countdown. Due to bad timing of lucky draw.

"Ladies and gentleman, it is now 12:01AM. We have missed the countdown. Okay, next lucky draw number! XXXX!!!!"

Really epic job dude.


My female juniors were there, and they really dressed beautifully. Not overkill with the makeup, and simple but elegant/sexy dresses. ^^

Pic courtesy of Pingyen

Christmas Day itself was of course spent in the company of my own family members. I dont know what most youths are expecting, but to me, Christmas Day has always been about STAYING AT HOME and just enjoying a good meal/relaxing with your family. Perhaps watch a movie, play games etc.

Of course, i would like to thank Daphne and Timothy for coming back from KL despite their working life to meet up on Christmas day to gossip and talk.

Christmas Night was spent at a party at Tim's home. Saw Christine, Pearly and her other friends there. Kicked everyone's ass at Virtua Tennis, and lost at Texas Hold Em.

All in all, a good Christmas Eve, and an acceptable Christmas Day this year.

Merry Christmas!


Liauliau said...

Fyi, it was not me who got the badminton racket :p I took it on behalf of my friends' mum. I was just sitting there, on the next second, i was on the stage =="

MemeMeRachel said...

I just watched some BL yesterday, and went for cake... And then I got broke. Haih.

Justin YSS said...

Liau: Really? Still damn envy k~ some auntie who probably never going to use it =3=

Rachel: at least u got cake >.<

Liauliau said...

Yes, serious. Wasted eh? Haha~ You might have put it into better use xD
Btw, the racket is so light, weightless i think @@

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